Nature Introduction

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Sunday, August 12, 2012


A video showing the HUGE Human impact on the environment A documentary where is shown what to think about environment A video showing a campaign for animal mistreat (Warning is a very explicit video) ...


Australia   In Australia, many states have enacted legislation outlawing cruelty to animals, however, it is argued that welfare laws do not adequately extend to production animals. Whilst police maintain an overall jurisdiction in prosecution of criminal matters, in many states officers of the RSPCA and other animal welfare charities are accorded authority to investigate and prosecute animal cruelty offenses. Asia India The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act,1960 was amended in the year 1982.[2] According to the newly amended Indian animal welfare act,2011 cruelty to animals is an offence and is punishable with a...


Plants and animals hold medicinal, agricultural, ecological, commercial and aesthetic/recreational value. Endangered species must be protected and saved so that future generations can experience their presence and value. Reasons: Medicinal Plants and animals are responsible for a variety of useful medications. In fact, about forty percent of all prescriptions written today are composed from the natural compounds of different species. These species not only save lives, but they contribute to a prospering pharmaceutical industry worth over $40 billion annually. Unfortunately, only 5% of known plant species have been screened for their...


When discussing the causes of endangerment, it is important to understand that individual species are not the only factors involved in this dilemma. Endangerment is a broad issue, one that involves the habitats and environments where species live and interact with one another. Although some measures are being taken to help specific cases of endangerment, the universal problem cannot be solved until humans protect the natural environments where endangered species dwell. There are many reasons why a particular species may become endangered. Although these factors can be analyzed and grouped, there are many causes that appear repeatedly. Below...


A Funny Picture Showing The Endangered Red List Status The conservation status of a group of organisms (for instance, a species) indicates whether the group is still extant (that is, members of it are still alive) and how likely the group is to become extinct in the near future. Many factors are taken into account when assessing conservation status: not simply the number of individuals remaining, but the overall increase or decrease in the population over time, breeding success rates, known threats, and so on. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species is the best-known worldwide conservation status listing and ranking system. The system...


Environmental Impacts To fulfill the environmental requirements of sustainability, hunting tourism must be of value to conservation through the preservation of habitats and the protection of wildlife. Although protected areas afford this, they are not large enough to contain or maintain wide-ranging, viable animal populations.20 Alternatively, game reserves encompass a far greater area (highlighted in the earlier table), which could provide a greater network of protected areas for game species, facilitating an increase in population size and genetic variation between populations. The economic success of hunting tourism hinges on the quality...

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Hunting With Dogs

A dog Hunting a Waterfowl Although various animals have been used to aid the hunter, none has been as important as the dog. The domestication of the dog has led to a symbiotic relationship in which the dog has lost its evolutionary independence from humans in exchange for support. Dogs today are used to find, chase, and retrieve game, and sometimes to kill. Hunting dogs allow humans to pursue and kill prey that would otherwise be very difficult or dangerous to hunt.  Some breeds commonly used for hunting Different breeds of dogs are used for different types of hunting. Waterfowl are commonly hunted using retrieving dogs...

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